
Why Choose a Corner Desk?

Why Choose a Corner Desk?

If you’re looking to increase your efficiency and productivity in the office, one of the first places you’ll look is your office desk. The desk is the home base for most employees, the area where most of your production happens – it’s vital to keep things streamlined and well organized, and the style of desk you have can play a big role here. We’re here...

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Creating a Perfect Work-Life Balance

Creating a Perfect Work-Life Balance

Especially for dedicated employees and managers, finding the proper work-life balance is always a big chore. The typical full-time employee spends between 38 and 60 hours per week in the office, and this can be a tough balance to achieve. At Urban 9-5, we’re here to help. There are a number of ways to use our home and office furniture to shift your modern workspace...

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Creating An Ergonomically Safe Workplace

Creating An Ergonomically Safe Workplace

Ergonomics are a common concern within the workplace, but in general, these are personal concerns. People worry about the ergonomic factors of their own office desk or seating, and how they can feel comfortable. At Urban 9-5, we’re here to tell you that this is an overall workplace issue as well. Ergonomic hazards in the workplace can stifle employee productivity, risk disability or insurance claims...

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